Water damaged family photos, antiques and other heirlooms shown
Deeper Dive Series

Resources for Conserving Flood Damaged Photos, Antiques and Heirlooms

Water damaged family photos, antiques and other heirlooms shown

Due to the recent flooding disaster many of you may, unfortunately, be dealing with damaged family photos, antiques and other heirlooms. There is a lot of information available via the internet on how to save and conserve water damaged objects, so to make it easier for those needing these resources the State Museum has created a listing of links where you can find helpful information on how best to conserve these items.

Many damaged objects can be preserved and restored, so don’t automatically think you need to throw them away

General Information

After the Flood: Emergency Stabilization and Conservation Measures National Park Service

Salvage of Water Damaged Materials Minnesota Historical Society

Northeast Document Conservation Center Disaster Assistance Northeast Document Conservation Center

For Photographs and Paper (letters, books, etc)

Saving Photographs After the Flood American Institute for Conservation

Emergency Salvage of Flood Damaged Family Papers U.S. National Archives and Records Administration

What To Do If Collections Get Wet Library of Congress

Salvage of Water Damaged Materials Minnesota Historical Society

For Textiles (clothing, quilts, etc)

Salvaging Water Damaged Textiles American Institute for Conservation

Salvage At A Glance Part V: Textiles National Park Service

Salvage of Water Damaged Materials Minnesota Historical Society

For Furniture and other objects

Emergency Treatment For Water-Soaked Furniture And Wooden Objects National Park Service

Flood-Damaged Furniture Disaster Recovery North Carolina State University

Emergency Treatment of Water-Damaged Paintings on Canvas Canadian Conservation Institute

Salvage At A Glance Part III: Object Collections National Park Service

Salvage of Water Damaged Materials Minnesota Historical Society

If you would like to contact a professional conservator about your damaged items, you can find a list of conservators listed by region from the American Conservation Institute here: www.conservation-us.org.